Saturday, April 14, 2012


The concept of ownership is funny
         OSHO SPEAK 
1- A sutra in the Ishavasya Upanishad  asks how can anything be yours when it is not 
2- It is interpreted to mean that you should not covet another's wealth of property 
3-But coveting and hoarding are impossible activities because everything belongs to existence
When it is not mine, how can it be yours? Most commentators of the Ishavasya Upanishad offer this explanation:"It is a sin to desire another's wealth, so don't entertain such a desire" But the first part of the Ishnvasya sutra: says that wealth belongs; it is existences.
       Its true mining is this - that you should not wish for another's wealth which is not mine is also not yours. The scope for desire exists only when since it can be your sit can be mine also’ otherwise the desire has no grounds to stand on. Ethical people have explained it that even to think of another's wealth is sinful; but since it cannot be mine, how can it be another's? No expert of ethics can feet the real meaning of this sutra, It is subtle and deep. The moralist is anxious to see that no one steals another's property; no one should consider as his own what belongs to another but his emphasis on another's property is just the converse side of his emphasis in what is his own.
Hoarding is impossible
        The person who says' "This is yours; is nor free from the notion This is mine; because these two are different sides of the same coin As long as the feeling persists. The building is mine its counterpart. The building is yours. Will continue; and when the feeling of my building disappears; how can the corresponding feeling of your building remain? Not to desire another wealth property does not mean that the property and wealth belong to none wealth belongs to existence alone; it is because of this that desiring is a sin. Consider nothing as mine or yours, don't regard yourself as owner, and don't try to steal another - for that is regard something as his, We can neither; steal nor keep by existence, and we can neither obtain nor hoard what is owned by existence.
 Ownership is Hilarious
        How hilarious this idea of ownership is! I put up a sign on a piece of land claiming it as mine. That piece of land was already there before I was even born. Looking at my action, that piece of land must be laughing heartily because many people before me have also put up such signs claiming it as 'mine and the piece of land buried them all! They were buried where are now sitting. There are at 10 graves under the spot where each of us is sitting, there is hardly an inch of ground on this earth which might not contain the graves of 10 people. So many people have been born and have died in the world that there, might be at least 10 people buried under each inch of ground. That piece of land, knows well that other claimants also erected such signs on it But nothing stops man as he is he will still go on putting up his sign boards and he doses not want to see that he is adding his name to an old board painted and polished over .He does not want see that someone else will have to take the same trouble tomorrow Infect all this ado is about nothing That piece of land must be laughing!
     So don’t wish for another's property because it belongs to no one I don't mean simply that it is sinful to seize another property with a view to making it your own it is sin in the first place to consider it either his or yours It is a sin to look upon it as anybody; s, It is certainly a sin to pretend that ownership is anyone's but existence's If you can comprehend this interpretation. Then and only them will you be able to grasp the deep and subtle meaning of the Ishavasya. Otherwise the apparent meaning of these sutras is that each should securely possess his own property ; and to protect his own property' and to protect his own interests' should propagate in all sides that no one should wish for another's property .
 Heartbeat of the absolute (Ishavasya Upanishad). Courtesy.


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