The concept of ownership is funny
1- A sutra in the Ishavasya Upanishad asks how can anything be yours when it is not
2- It is interpreted to mean that you should not covet another's wealth of property
3-But coveting and hoarding are impossible activities because everything belongs to existence
When it is not mine, how
can it be yours? Most commentators of the Ishavasya
Upanishad offer this explanation:"It is a sin to desire another's wealth,
so don't entertain such a desire" But the first part of the Ishnvasya
sutra: says that wealth belongs; it is existences.
true mining is this - that you should not wish for another's wealth which is
not mine is also not yours. The scope for desire exists only when since it can
be your sit can be mine also’ otherwise the desire has no grounds to stand on. Ethical
people have explained it that even to think of another's wealth is sinful; but
since it cannot be mine, how can it be another's? No expert of ethics can feet
the real meaning of this sutra, It is subtle and deep. The moralist is anxious
to see that no one steals another's property; no one should consider as his own
what belongs to another but his emphasis on another's property is just the
converse side of his emphasis in what is his own.